Pointing to Weebly.com

You can create websites with Weebly directly with us. However, if you created a site at Weebly.com, you can follow these steps to point a domain to a site with Weebly.com:

  1. Log into the Domain Name Management System
  2. Select the domain to update
  3. Select Domain Address Settings
  4. If Custom DNS is already on for your domain, you can skip this step. If you are turning on Custom DNS, read the warning, read the warning, agree to the Terms of Service, and Select Enable
  5. Select Add New Record
  6. Select A from the Add New Record menu, enter this information, and select Add Record
    Host Name: @
    IP Address:
  7. Select A from the Add New Record menu, enter this information, and select Add Record
    Host Name: www
    IP Address: