Up: E-mail

Mailboxes with Pair Networks

If you need mailboxes for your domain, they can be set up through a web hosting account from Pair Networks, Inc. The email can be hosted at Pair Networks and the website can be hosted elsewhere.

Pointing Email to Pair Networks

You can point email to your Pair Networks web hosting account by setting some DNS records. Before making any changes, make sure that you have the MX record for the domain. Please contact us if you need help finding the record.

When you have the record, you can follow these steps to add it to your domain:

  1. Log into the Domain Name Management System
  2. Click the domain to update
  3. Click Domain Address Settings
  4. If you are turning on Custom DNS, read the warning, read and agree to the terms of service, and click Enable
    If you already use Custom DNS, you can skip this step
  5. Select MX from the Add New Record menu, enter this information, and click Add Record
    Host Name: @
    Priority: 50
    Mail Server: Enter the mail server provided by Pair Networks
  6. Select CNAME (Parking) from the Add New Record menu, enter this information, and click Add Record
    Alias: mail
    IP Address: Enter the mail server provided by Pair Networks